VASERsmooth® Treatment Reduces the Appearance of Cellulite
VASERsmooth® reduces the look of cellulite dimpling to give you the smooth, sleek appearance you desire. During this procedure, Dr. Patricia Berbari will carefully treat the fibrous attachments beneath your skin that create cellulite dimpling, which leads to dramatic and long-lasting results. She is one of just a few surgeons in the country to provide this amazing treatment. VASERsmooth® can be applied virtually anywhere that you have cellulite - on your legs, buttocks, arms, or abdomen. The treatment is fast and effective with minimal downtime compared to other body contouring surgeries. To learn more about VASERsmooth®, contact Dr. Berbari's office, located in Gatineau, Québec, today.

The VASERsmooth® Procedure
Before your VASERsmooth® treatment begins, you will meet with Dr. Berbari. All treatments begin with a consultation, during which we will discuss the areas of your body that suffer from cellulite. Cellulite occurs when fibrous, string-like tissues pull your skin inward, creating dimples within pillow-like pockets of fat. Even with diet and exercise, these fibrous strings remain unchanged and unbroken. VASERsmooth® actually breaks these fibers, which releases the tension on the skin for a smooth and uniform look.
VASERsmooth® is performed through very small incisions made at the treatment site - your legs, arms, abdomen, or buttocks. Dr. Berbari will use a long, thin probe to access the fibrous tissues that run throughout trouble areas. The VASERsmooth® probe gently ruptures these fibrous tissues through the application of high-frequency ultrasonic waves. The VASERsmooth® probe also emulsifies superficial fat tissues.
Once treatment is complete, Dr. Berbari will carefully suture closed the incisions she has made. Patients will return home to rest and should avoid unnecessary physical activity for three weeks. Some bruising, swelling, and tenderness can be expected in the weeks following the procedure. The results of VASERsmooth® begin to present themselves quickly following surgery, with final results achieved at six months post-surgery.
VASERsmooth® Candidates
Since primarily women develop cellulite, VASERsmooth® is a treatment reserved for female patients. Women of all shapes and sizes can develop cellulite, regardless of diet and exercise regimens, which makes this treatment suitable for most patients. However, candidates should be in good general health and able to undergo surgery. VASERsmooth® can provide long-lasting results and may be repeated should a patient develop cellulite or require a follow-up procedure.
Because VASERsmooth® is designed to treat cellulite, and does not involve substantial fat reduction, many of our patients also opt to undergo VASERlipo® liposuction treatment. VASERlipo® gently separates fat cells and suctions them out using ultrasound technology. The combination of these treatments can reduce dimpling, smooth an area for a sleeker and more contoured appearance, and remove unwanted fat deposits. VASERsmooth® can also be combined with VASER® Hi Definition 4D Liposuction, which creates definition using a patient's own fat.
Treatment Benefits
In the past, no truly effective treatment existed for cellulite. Even with a healthy diet and exercise, women simply had to put up with the dimpled, bumpy look that cellulite creates. Today, VASERsmooth® gives women the option to treat their cellulite with a long-term solution. The VASERsmooth® treatment offers many benefits, including:
- Increased confidence in your appearance
- A smoother, more youthful silhouette (in conjunction with liposuction)
- Non-targeted tissues are not disturbed during treatment
- Treatment is done on an outpatient basis
- Short recovery time means minimal time off of work and other activities
- Results are visible immediately following surgery
During your personal consultation with Dr. Berbari, you will review these and other benefits, and determine whether this type of treatment is right for you.
Contact Us
With advanced technology, we can help you look and feel your best. To learn more about VASERsmooth® or the other VASER® treatments offered at our office, contact Dr. Berbari today.