Body Contouring Services
Body contouring and liposuction are popular procedures among our patients. If you find it difficult to lose unwanted fat in spite of exercise and a healthy diet, Dr. Berbari can reshape your body, helping you to look better and feel better about yourself.
Tummy Tuck
If you would like to achieve a more attractive midsection, tummy tuck surgery may be a perfect solution for you. Using a combination of surgical procedures which include liposuction, Dr. Berbari can sculpt you the flat, tightened abdomen you desire.

Thigh Lift
As you age your skin loses elasticity. One of the most common areas for loose skin is the thigh region. Through surgery (including liposuction), excess skin and fat can an be removed to reshape the thigh. Using advanced body contouring techniques, Dr. Berbari can redefine the tone of your legs.
Arm Lift
If the effects of aging have caused sagging skin or stubborn fat deposits in your upper arm, Dr. Berbari can reshape this area, giving you a toned, fit appearance. Most commonly performed for weight loss patients, brachioplasty (arm lift surgery) is a safe and effective surgical procedure.
Brazilian Butt Lift
Dr. Berbari prefers Brazilian butt lift surgery for its precise, natural-looking results, and unlike implants, the procedure carries minimized risk of complications. By using excess fat in other areas other body, like the abdomen, Dr. Berbari can safely and permanently augment and contour your backside.
VASER® 4D Hi-Definition Liposculpture
VASER® 4D Hi-Definition Liposculpture is an innovative new option in body contouring. Using the advanced 4D liposuction technique, Dr. Berbari will carefully remove fat using VASERlipo®, then purify and redistribute the tissue to create the look of muscular definition.
VASERsmooth® reduces cellulite using laser technology applied to the legs, buttocks, hips, abdomen, and other areas. This treatment gently severs connective tissues that exist within your fatty tissue, creating pockets of fat and the small dimples in your skin known as cellulite.
LaserLipo can be used to remove fat and help contour different areas of the body, while at the same time allowing the skin to remain tight and smooth. Dr. Berbari will use the laser to heat up and liquefy the unwanted fat before removing it, which puts less stress on the surrounding skin.
Transgender Body Contouring
Transgender body contouring is performed to make the body look more curvy and feminine or more angular and masculine. Dr. Berbari carefully selects procedures such as liposuction, fat grafting, and tummy tucks to add dimension or sculpt the body for the nuanced contours you desire.