Centre Chirurgical De La Capitale

Labiaplasty Recovery: What to Expect after Treatment

Oct 29, 2018 @ 09:00 AM — by Patricia Berbari
Tagged with: Labiaplasty

Women who are self-conscious about the appearance of their labia, or who experience discomfort during routine activities, can benefit from vaginal rejuvenation, or labiaplasty, at our Gatineau, QC plastic surgery practice.

This procedure strategically removes excess or elongated labial tissue for a more uniform appearance. Full labiaplasty recovery typically takes approximately six weeks on average. To learn more, schedule a consultation with Dr. Patricia Berbari.

Labiaplasty Recovery Timeline

When undergoing any surgical procedure, it is important to familiarize yourself with the treatment, as well as what to expect during recovery. Here, our experienced team of doctors explains what to anticipate during the days, weeks, and months after your labiaplasty.

The First 48 Hours

Patients are generally released to go home about two hours after their labiaplasty procedure. A trusted friend or family member must drive you home. We also recommend having someone spend the first night with you so they can assist you if necessary.

You will be given a detailed list of post-treatment guidelines. These should be followed precisely to ensure comfortable healing.

Your doctor will also provide you with pain medication and antibiotics. These should be taken as directed to mitigate discomfort, swelling, and bruising.

You will not be able to shower for the first 48 hours.

You should also avoid strenuous exercise, although light walking is recommended as soon as possible to increase blood flow and promote healing.

One to Two Weeks

In most cases, your stitches will fall out on their own around seven to 10 days after surgery. Pain and discomfort may still be present but should be manageable with over-the-counter or prescription medications. During this time, it is important to keep your incisions clean and dry to prevent infection and other complications.

Most patients are able to return to office work in one to two weeks after their labiaplasty. If your job is physically demanding, you may require more time.

Four to Six Weeks

Following labiaplasty, patients should not swim, use tampons, or have sexual intercourse for four to six weeks. Strenuous activity or heavy lifting must also be avoided.

In most cases, sexual activity can be resumed after six weeks.

Your doctor will see you for routine follow-up appointments to monitor your recovery and make any personalized recommendations.

Two to Three Months

The skin around the incisions may appear inflamed and red for up to three months following your labiaplasty. These side effects are normal and should diminish over time with proper care. Your incisions are strategically placed to reduce visible scarring. Once your healing is complete, the desired results should be evident.

Hygiene Tips following Labiaplasty

Due to the nature of labiaplasty, is it extremely important to keep your incisions clean during recovery. Here are a few simple tips to help you achieve this goal:

As always, these are general recommendations. It is important that you discuss post-operative instructions in detail with your doctor during a consultation at our practice.

Contact Our Practice

If you are considering vaginal rejuvenation, it is important to understand all aspects of treatment, including labiaplasty recovery. To learn more, contact us online or call us at (819) 243-7667.