Centre Chirurgical De La Capitale

Lifestyle Changes before Plastic Surgery

Jul 30, 2016 @ 09:00 AM — by Patricia Berbari
Tagged with: Plastic Surgery

Few people are completely satisfied with their appearance. Fortunately, plastic surgery offers patients the opportunity to address areas of concern and enhance their natural beauty. Dr. Patricia Berbari offers a wide range of cosmetic surgery procedures to improve body contours, reverse signs of aging, and increase a patient’s confidence. Dr. Berbari’s extensive experience ensures that these cosmetic treatments will safely and effectively provide patients with the aesthetic results they desire. However, patients must do their part as well. It is important that patients prepare their body for surgical treatment. Here, we suggest a number of lifestyle changes before plastic surgery that our Gatineau, QC patients should make to minimize the risks of treatment, speed up the recovery process, and optimize the results of surgery.

Preparing the Body for Surgery

Prior to any plastic surgery procedure, Dr. Berbari will perform an extensive exam and consultation to ensure that the patient is an ideal candidate for cosmetic treatment. Surgery will never be performed on a patient who is found to be at an increased risk of surgical complications. That being said, even ideal surgical candidates can benefit from some lifestyle changes before plastic surgery. The following changes will further increase the likelihood of a safe, successful surgery and optimal surgical results:

Schedule an Appointment

Dr. Patricia Berbari is a highly experienced plastic surgeon. If you are interested in plastic surgery to enhance your natural beauty, you can count on Dr. Berbari to provide you with the highest quality of care. To learn more about our wide range of cosmetic treatments, schedule an appointment with Dr. Berbari at your earliest convenience.