Centre Chirurgical De La Capitale

Eyelid Surgery Side Effects and Risks

Mar 3, 2014 @ 04:36 PM — by Patricia Berbari
Tagged with: Eyelid Surgery Plastic Surgery

The eyes are one of the most telling characteristics of a person’s face. Therefore, eyes that appear tired or worn can negatively impact one’s overall appearance and persona. To help revitalize your appearance and combat the effects of aging or genetics, we offer eyelid surgery at our Gatineau clinic. This safe and effective cosmetic procedure can be a great way to correct a number of common problems in the upper or lower eyelid.

Before any surgery, though, we want all patients to be aware of the side effects they can expect during recovery. If you are considering eyelid surgery or have recently undergone treatment, take note of the following side effects and risks associated with the procedure.

Side Effects of Eyelid Surgery

Eyelid surgery, also called blepharoplasty, typically has a short and easy recovery when compared to other, more invasive plastic surgery procedures. Still, patients should be aware of the following common side effects of surgery:

Risks and Complications of Eyelid Surgery

Any long-term risks of eyelid surgery are extremely rare, making the procedure considerably safe. Still, potential complications are not impossible. In some cases, patients of eyelid surgery have suffered from wound separation, cysts, external scarring, temporary eyelash loss, hematoma, or changes to vision. Thankfully, with an experienced plastic surgeon, these risks can be largely mitigated.

As with any surgery, blepharoplasty also carries an inherent risk of infection. If your symptoms persist or worsen over time, or you develop a fever during recovery, speak with your doctor about the possibility of infection.  

Discuss Your Risk Factors with Your Doctor

Before eyelid surgery, it’s vital that you discuss your medical history and possible risk factors with your doctor. By understanding your health, your doctor can help you have a more successful procedure. Possible risk factors specific to eyelid surgery include:

Only by speaking with your doctor can you accurately gauge your personal candidacy and risks for eyelid surgery.

Speak with Dr. Berbari

Come in for a consultation with Dr. Berbari to learn exactly how eyelid surgery can benefit you. Contact our office to schedule an appointment, and take the first step toward rejuvenating your appearance.