Centre Chirurgical De La Capitale

Toning Problem Areas with Liposuction

May 7, 2013 @ 03:35 PM — by Patricia Berbari
Tagged with: Liposuction Plastic Surgery

As hard as we may try, few of us have what we imagine to be the “perfect” body. We can diet and exercise to the best of our ability but stubborn fat is bound to hold on. There are certain areas of the body where this stubborn fat is more likely to cling. We often hear ourselves referring to these as our “problem areas.” Fortunately for our patients, Gatineau plastic surgeon Patricia Berbari has just the solution for those problem areas. Dr. Berbari performs liposuction to tone areas of the body that are holding on to stubborn fat deposits. While liposuction can be performed on just about any area of the body, we have found that for our patients in Gatineau, liposuction areas most commonly requested include the following:

No matter what area of the body liposuction is performed on, it results in a more appealing contour and often a boost in self-esteem for our patients.

Additional Procedures

Liposuction can easily be combined with other cosmetic procedures to enhance the results of surgery. We often perform plastic surgery along with procedures such as a tummy tuck, breast lift, thigh lift, and arm lift. Additionally, we can perform LipoSculpture, a procedure in which the fat removed from your own body is then used to plump and fill other areas of the body. Dr. Berbari can discuss any of these procedures with you in more detail.

Schedule an Appointment

If you are concerned with stubborn fat in any of these common problem areas, schedule an appointment with Dr. Patricia Berbari to learn how liposuction can help you achieve the toned appearance you desire. We look forward to meeting you!