Centre Chirurgical De La Capitale

Pros and Cons of the Areolar Breast Augmentation Incision

Nov 28, 2015 @ 09:00 AM — by Patricia Berbari
Tagged with: Breast Augmentation Plastic Surgery

Breast augmentation is a popular cosmetic procedure that has a personal meaning for each patient who chooses to undergo treatment. Breast augmentation enhances the size of the breasts in order to improve body contours and proportions, and give women the confidence they desire. Because Dr. Patricia Berbari wants each patient to achieve her personal goals for surgery, she is very thorough when it comes to customizing treatment to address the specific needs and desires of each of her patients. One aspect of surgery that is important to this outcome is the choice of the surgical incision. The areolar breast augmentation incision is commonly performed at our Gatineau, QC practice because it allows a lot of control and precision during surgery. Dr. Berbari discusses the pros and cons of the areolar incision prior to surgery so that her patients feel confident with the surgical technique that is chosen.

What Is the Areolar Incision?

The areolar incision is a small circular incision that surrounds the areola, or the dark area of skin around the nipple. Although this incision is placed directly on the breast, the scar that is left after surgery blends in nicely with the transition between the tissue of the areola and the skin of the breasts, so that it is hardly noticeable once it has healed.

Benefits of the Areolar Incision

It is common for patients to choose the areolar incision for breast augmentation surgery. This is one of the most common breast augmentation techniques because it offers a number of surgical benefits. Below are some of the pros of this surgical technique:

Cons of the Areolar Incision

While the areolar incision does offer many benefits, there are some drawbacks to this technique as well. It is important for patients to understand the cons associated with this technique before deciding whether this is the best approach for the breast augmentation procedure. Below are some of the cons of the areolar incision:

If patients decide that the cons of the areolar incision outweigh the pros, Dr. Berbari will be happy to discuss the inframammary incision, which is another popular technique for breast augmentation surgery.

Schedule an Appointment

If you have been considering breast augmentation, Dr. Patricia Berbari would be happy to meet with you to discuss all of the ways in which surgery can be customized to meet your needs and aesthetic goals. Schedule an appointment at your earliest convenience to learn more about this highly popular cosmetic procedure.