Centre Chirurgical De La Capitale

Liposuction for Male Patients

Aug 29, 2015 @ 09:00 AM — by Patricia Berbari
Tagged with: Liposuction Plastic Surgery

Sometimes men and women feel like they come from two different planets, but despite their many differences, there are also a lot of things that men and women have in common. One of these is the desire to look and feel their best. Unfortunately, another thing commonly shared among men and women is the inability to get rid of stubborn fat deposits. No matter how diligently a person works out and no matter how careful they may be to avoid certain foods, there are some pockets of fat that just don’t seem to respond to diet and exercise. Liposuction can remove fat deposits from the body to give patients the trimmer and more sculpted figure they desire. Dr. Patricia Berbari offers male liposuction at her Gatineau practice to help male patients address common areas of concern so that they can achieve a more toned and masculine figure.

Male Liposuction Candidates

Ideal candidates for liposuction are those who have areas of the body that lack definition due to the presence of excess fat. These patients should be in good overall health and not carry excessive weight. Liposuction can help to tone and sculpt the figure, but it is not a weight-loss solution.

In the past few years, liposuction has become a popular procedure among our male patients. Some male problem areas that are commonly treated by Dr. Berbari through a liposuction procedure include the following:

The Procedure

Liposuction is an outpatient procedure that is performed using local or general anesthetic. Dr. Berbari will begin treatment by making a series of small incisions around the treatment area. Through these incisions, Dr. Berbari will inject a saline solution that contains anesthetic and adrenalin. This solution makes it easier to break up fat and reduce bleeding. Finally, a cannula will be inserted into the incisions and fat will be broken up and removed from the body.

Benefits of Liposuction

Once patients have recovered from liposuction treatment, they will be able to enjoy several benefits. These include a tighter, toned figure, helping men to attain the masculine physique that they desired.

Schedule an Appointment

If you have areas of the body that you’d like to sculpt or tone, you may be an ideal candidate for liposuction treatment. To learn more about the liposuction procedure, schedule an appointment with Dr. Patricia Berbari at your earliest convenience.