Centre Chirurgical De La Capitale

Am I a Candidate for Liposuction?

Mar 4, 2015 @ 12:24 PM — by Patricia Berbari
Tagged with: Liposuction Plastic Surgery

Despite a healthy diet and regular exercise, it can seem impossible to get rid of stubborn body fat. For those who are unhappy with fatty trouble spots, liposuction can help. Liposuction is useful for removing stubborn fat deposits to reveal a sculpted and more contoured appearance. Though liposuction can be beneficial for a variety of problem areas, it is not suitable for everyone. To find out if you're a candidate for liposuction, schedule a consultation at the Gatineau practice of Dr. Patricia Berbari.

What Is Liposuction?

Liposuction is a type of plastic surgery used to suction fat out of targeted areas. There are different liposuction techniques, any of which can be combined with other plastic surgery treatments. The different types of liposuction include traditional liposuction, tumescent liposuction, and laser-assisted liposuction. Tumescent liposuction involves injecting the treatment area with a special solution to help break up the fatty tissue while anesthetizing the area. This solution also includes epinephrine to reduce bleeding. Laser-assisted liposuction uses a laser to gently liquify fat and ease in fat removal, and reduce swelling and bruising after treatment. Liposuction can be used to treat many areas of the body. Besides the more widely known areas, like the inner thighs and lower abdomen, liposuction can also be performed on the neck and arms.

Who Are Candidates for Liposuction?

Liposuction is a surgical treatment that is not appropriate for everyone. Though liposuction can help you achieve a contoured, sculpted look, it is not a substitute for a healthy lifestyle and it cannot be used to remove excessive fat throughout the body. This means candidates for liposuction should already be within a healthy weight range and must be healthy enough to undergo surgery. Candidates for liposuction include:

Schedule a Consultation

To find out if liposuction is right for you, we invite you to schedule a consultation with our team today!