Centre Chirurgical De La Capitale

Mommy Makeover Procedures

Sep 6, 2012 @ 05:54 AM — by Patricia Berbari
Tagged with: Plastic Surgery Mommy Makeover

Following pregnancy and breast feeding, many women find that diet and exercise are not enough to return their bodies to their pre-pregnancy state. Fortunately, women do not need to settle for empty, sagging breasts or excess fat in the stomach. Dr. Patricia Berbari, a leading Ottawa plastic surgeon, performs mommy makeover procedures to restore women's figures and confidence following pregnancy. A mommy makeover includes a combination of procedures that are personalized to meet each patient's needs. The most common procedures performed during a mommy makeover are tummy tuck, liposuction, and breast augmentation and/or breast lift.

Tummy Tuck

One of the most common body complaints after pregnancy is the pouch of extra skin and fat below the belly button. This is a result of the skin being stretched during pregnancy. Because pregnancy can cause the skin to lose elasticity, most women find that exercise and diet are not enough to tighten this area of the body. Medically known as an abdominoplasty, a tummy tuck is a popular procedure that allows surgeons to surgically remove the excess skin that results from pregnancy. Dr. Berbari will make one incision that extends across the stomach. The navel will also be adjusted so that it can be placed in a new position once the skin and abdominal muscles have been tightened.  A tummy tuck leaves patients with toned and contoured waistlines.


In order to ensure a healthy pregnancy, a woman’s body creates extra stores of fat during pregnancy. Most women find that they gain fat around their hips, thighs, and buttocks while pregnant. Even women who are able to lose the weight they gained during pregnancy may find there are stubborn pockets of fat around the body that do not go away. Liposuction can be used to eliminate these pockets of excess fat.  Liposuction requires a series of small incisions. A suction device will be used to break up the fat and remove it from the body. Women who undergo liposuction are happy to find that their body more closely resembles their pre-pregnancy figure.

Breast Augmentation and Breast Lift

A large amount of weight is gained in the breasts during pregnancy and following birth when a woman’s milk comes in. When this weight is rapidly lost, the breasts often look deflated. Breast augmentation surgery is one way to restore the breasts to their pre-pregnancy state. Breast implants can fill the breasts and restore them to their former size. For our patients in Ottawa, breast lift surgery (mastopexy) is another surgical option for giving the breasts a more youthful appearance. During a breast lift, excess skin and fat is removed and the nipples are repositioned to “lift” them back into their pre-pregnancy position. To receive optimal results, some patients may receive both breast augmentation and a breast lift.

Schedule a Consultation

Every woman deserves to have the body she desires. If you are finding it difficult to get your body back after pregnancy, schedule a consultation with Dr. Patricia Berbari to learn more about our mommy makeover procedures.