The Inframammary Breast Augmentation Incision Technique: Pros and Cons By Patricia Berbari on October 29, 2015

A woman in a black braWhen patients meet with Dr. Patricia Berbari, they know that they are consulting one of the leading plastic surgeons in the Gatineau and Montral area. She routinely achieves excellent results with surgery, helping patients achieve their aesthetic goals and look their best.

A number of patients have questions about breast augmentation surgery techniques and methods. We'd like to take a moment to consider the inframammary surgery option and how it can help you achieve your aesthetic goals.

About Inframammary Breast Augmentation Surgery

The inframammary breast augmentation incision is one of the most common ways that breast enlargement surgery is performed. The procedure involves an incision made on the underside of the breast, along the crease when the breast meets the chest. Through this incision, a cosmetic surgeon is able to insert, position, and adjust breast implants to ensure the best possible results.

The Advantages of Inframammary Breast Augmentation Surgery

The primary advantage of inframammary breast augmentation surgery is that a plastic surgeon is given a lot of control over the breast implants. This means greater ease for inserting the breast implants, positioning them in the breast pocket, and placing them securely under or over the pectoral muscle. Both silicone and saline breast implants can be placed using this incision method.

This level of control over the implant means there is less chance of a serious complication following surgery, and better aesthetic results overall.

The Disadvantages of Inframammary Breast Augmentation Surgery

The main disadvantage of inframammary breast augmentation surgery is that it involves an incision on the breast itself. While the incision is on the underside of the breast, many patients would prefer to avoid any incisions or scars on the breasts when possible. Sometimes the incision may prevent the patient from wearing certain kinds of tops, bathing suits, and undergarments.

A Word on Post-Surgical Scarring from Breast Augmentation

While there is some scarring on the breast, patients should keep in mind that the scarring is not always severe or noticeable. Cosmetic surgeons work hard to ensure all incisions made are as small as possible and well-hidden. A patient's genetics can determine the nature and prominence of the scar as well, which is important to keep in mind. With time, scars tend to fade and become less noticeable with most patients.

Alternatives Breast Augmentation Techniques

There are three other common breast augmentation incision methods. They are as follows:

  • Areola Breast Augmentation Surgery – During this breast augmentation method, an incision is made around the edge of the areola. Both silicone and saline breast implants can be placed using this incision technique.
  • Transaxillary Breast Augmentation Surgery – During this breast augmentation method, an incision is made inside of the armpit. Only saline breast implants can be placed using this incision technique.
  • Transumbilical Breast Augmentation Surgery – During this breast augmentation method, an incision is made inside of the belly button. Only saline breast implants can be placed using this incision technique.

Which breast augmentation method is right for me?

Each patient has unique aesthetic goals and needs, which is why every surgery is tailored to their needs. During a consultation at our practice, we can go over all of the surgical methods noted and discuss which one might be most ideal for you and your aesthetic goals. This will give you a chance to ask questions, voice concerns, and make the best decision based on your needs.

Learn More About Breast Augmentation Surgery

To learn more about breast augmentation surgery and how it can help you achieve all of your aesthetic goals, be sure to contact our cosmetic plastic surgery centre today. Dr. Patricia Berbari and her team look forward to your visit and helping you achieve all of your aesthetic goals.

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Dr. Berbari

Centre Chirurgical De La Capitale

Dr. Patricia Berbari offers plastic and cosmetic surgery procedures to treat a variety of conditions. 
Our board-certified plastic surgeon is affiliated with a number of medical societies, including:

  • Collège des médecins du Québec
  • Association des spécialistes en chirurgie plastique et esthétique du Québec
  • Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada
  • Canadian Laser and Aesthetic Specialists Society
  • International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery

To schedule a consultation, call us at (819) 243-7667 or contact us online today!

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